Wednesday, 8 June 2016

6 ways to secure your current job

Most people all over the world tend to lose their jobs easily or get sacked due to lack of job security. Many companies today are either downsizing or outsourcing job roles in order to cut down financial cost.  

This article will help and guide you on how to stay relevant in your current work place and secure your employment.

Be ready to take up extra job task:

It is advisable that you display a can-do attitude every time at work, never complain when given an extra task or assignment, never be in a hurry to leave the office and be willing to help your colleagues or boss to complete their work.

Acquire and develop new set of skills:

Ensure that you acquire and improve on new skills needed for your job role that none of your colleague have. Also ensure you upgrade your educational background by going for professional courses, master’s programme, training, or development courses. This will improve and increase your performance and put you ahead of others thereby making you an invaluable asset to the company.

Remain positive and don’t complain:

Avoid complaining when given an extra task to do. Do not complain to your or supervisor about meeting deadlines or target given, rather remain focused and positive.

Be friendly and noticeable:

Be friendly right from the receptionist to your fellow colleagues and even your boss. Never fail to say “Hello” and get acquainted with other staff members. Whenever there is a group discussion, either work related or not, try to contribute positively and constructively to be noticed and recognized. Remember, you are not valuable when you fail to be friendly to others or when nobody knows you.

Be very punctual:

Make sure you come to work very early on a regular basis and try not to be in a hurry to leave the office once it is 5pm, rather use the time to complete an extra task and get to know your boss better. Doing this shows your boss that you are making extra effort to ensure the successful performance of the company.

Update your CV/resume regularly:

Updating your resume regularly gives you an upper hand in applying for internal vacancies faster. When your resume is current, you don’t need to rush to update it again thereby avoiding making mistakes on your application. 

Following all these steps will sure make you very relevant to your colleagues,boss and employer.


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